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We supply high-quality bulk Rosehips to clients around the world. We source and process wild-grown rosehips for various uses. The shells are mostly used for single infusions or blends. Other uses include rosehip syrup, rosehip marmalade, and fruit bars. The powder is used in capsules for canine and equine supplements. The seeds are used in oil pressing for the cosmetic market. Rosehip is high in Vitamin C and a natural antioxidant.



Organic Rosehips on Branch Cape Natural Tea Products Bulk Supplier of Rosehips South Africa


Wild-grown rosehips are harvested from April to August. After picking, the berries are sorted and sun-dried. 

rosehip berry.jpg


At our processing facility in Cape Town, the dried berries are screened, crushed, and sieved to separate the seed and shell components. 


We provide conventional and organic rosehips in the following forms:


- Broken Shell

- Tea bag cuts

- Powder

- Water Soluble extract

- Seeds

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