Help us get school shoes and bags to those who need it!
Donate R67, spend 67 minutes exercising, and get entered into a lucky draw for awesome prizes.
For Mandela Day 2021, Cape Natural Tea Products is holding a virtual 67-minute exercise to raise funds for school children in Graafwater, Western Cape.
Graafwater is the home of our largest tea-court, where we process our high-quality Rooibos tea for customers around the world.
Learners at the public primary school in Graafwater often come to school without shoes or proper school bags.
We will be providing 150 learners with a pair of school shoes or a school bag and we are inviting members of the public to help us increase our reach by partaking in our event.
How it works
1. Purchase your ticket for R67 by clicking on the button below. We welcome donations of more than R67 - if you would like to make a bigger donation, please contact us directly at daniels@rooibostea.co.za.
2. On 18 July 2021, spend 67 minutes doing any physical activity you like and send us a picture at daniels@rooibostea.co.za, or post it on social media and tag us @capenatural.
3. Lucky draw prize winners will be announced on Monday 18 July 2021.